Thursday, October 20, 2011

god doesn't like liars...or thieves!

this morning my keys disappeared.
i drove to work and i obviously had them to do that. 
they were sitting on my purse which was on the couch when i got to the boys house.
i got up to make the boys breakfast, and when i made my way back to the couch, they are gone.
oh where oh where did my keys go?
the house was turned upside down about five times looking in every drawer, corner, and room...everywhere!
i missed my first class, and a test too.
& couldn't get into my house to shower, change, do my hair/makeup; 
so i went to school looking not too pretty in yoga pants, a hoodie, and glasses.
thank goodness i already have a husband. ha!
luckily my mom had a spare to my car at her house, so at least i could drive.

so tonight i am keyless.
earlier this week, a half full bottle of allergy medicine went missing at the same house. 
the bottle magically went "empty" in one night.
maybe my keys are with the hidden medicine?

you better believe im going to catch the culprit tomorrow, and hopefully i'll leave with keys in my hand.
the boys mom told them yesterday that "god does not like liars", because no one will admit that they are the ones with did something with the pills.
tomorrow i will tell them "god does not like thieves"
and offer them a five dollar reward...please pray this will do the trick...

because I WANT MY KEYS!

1 comment:

  1. Tell them you're going to call the police lol :) that should get them talking!
