Total weight gain/loss: i broke even today! starting weight 140, week 18 140.
Maternity clothes? maternity pants got shorter in the dryer!!! :( just squeezing into my regular jeans, and wearing them under the belly. still in the same shirts.
Stretch marks? no, need to start putting lotion on though so this stays a no!
Sleep: sleeping good, hips stopped hurting and the need to pee has subsided!
Best moment this week: deciding on a name...SAMUEL! also baby samuel's cousin, matthew, was born on thursday and he is SO cute and chunky(10lbs 2oz, 22inches!) makes me want my baby here right now to love on!!!
Best moment this week: deciding on a name...SAMUEL! also baby samuel's cousin, matthew, was born on thursday and he is SO cute and chunky(10lbs 2oz, 22inches!) makes me want my baby here right now to love on!!!
Movement: still just feeling the flutters...waiting for little man to make a big move.
Food cravings: well i've eaten pizza three days in a row...i guess that's a craving!
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Have you started to show yet: yes! little sam is growing a lot these next few weeks, which makes for a rounder momma!
Gender prediction: IT'S A BOY! little mister is on his way!
Belly Button in or out? in, but stretching out.
Wedding rings on or off? on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy! love talking to little samuel all the time since he can hear me and waiting in suspense all day to feel him move!
pregnancy symptoms: getting full quickly, but besides that not any other symptoms.
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