How far along? 16 weeks today! one more month until we're halfway there.
Total weight gain/loss: down 3 pounds. i must have eaten lots of food this week!
Maternity clothes? i bought a couple pairs of maternity pants this week. still in the same shirts and dresses/skirts and a few pairs of my old pants.
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: sleeping good! lots of dreams, and waking up in the morning have to pee sooo bad. haha
Best moment this week: found a steal of a deal on my maternity pants...those things are so expensive. i also bought a little bassinet today for baby mister to sleep in the first couple months!
Best moment this week: found a steal of a deal on my maternity pants...those things are so expensive. i also bought a little bassinet today for baby mister to sleep in the first couple months!
Movement: nothing distinctive yet, but something is definitely going on down there. i feel like i have butterflies flying around in my stomach.
Food cravings: pizza and french fries always sound really good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Have you started to show yet: yes, but again i've looked the same way for forever.
Gender prediction: IT'S A BOY! little mister is on his way!
Belly Button in or out? in...but its getting a little stretched weird!
Wedding rings on or off? on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy! we are so excited to be having a little baby.
pregnancy symptoms: a tiny bit of nausea here and there only in the morning, stretching muscles in my stomach.
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